Annual Reports
The integrated Annual Report combines our financial reporting and our nonfinancial statement, which contains all material sustainability information required by commercial law. Our aim is to elucidate the interactions between financial, ecological and societal factors and underline their influence on our company’s long-term success.
Key Figures
The financial statements of Bayer AG were prepared according to the requirements of the German. Commercial Code and Stock Corporation Act. The consolidated financial statements of the Bayer Group were prepared according to the German Commercial Code and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Downloads and Services
The following files are available for download. Our Financial Reports Newsletter informs you about the publication of our Quarterly Statements and Annual Reports.
Since 2018 the Annual Report is available only as an online version. The online version contains the notes to the consolidated financial statements of the Bayer Group, along with additional information.
You can find further information and in-depth insights into both our sustainability strategy and our sustainability performance in the Sustainability Report.