Contact details

Please note that we will handle any information you provide voluntarily or technically available during your contact. You can find our Privacy Statement (in Hungarian) here.
Bayer Hungaria Kft.
Address: 1117 Budapest, Dombovari ut 26.
Phone: +36 (1) 487 4100, Fax: +36 (1) 487 4220
Further contact details:
In case of general questions related to our company or any of our human health, plant protection or seed products (eg price, contact, press release, cooperation):
For medical information about our prescription drugs (eg composition, dosage, indication, contraindication):
For medical information related to our over-the-counter drugs, medical devices, food supplements or cosmetics (eg composition, dosage, indication, contraindication):
If you would like to report side effect or a quality complaint, contact
• your healthcare professional (doctor, pharmacist) or
• the Hungarian health authority (NNGYK, website) or
• Bayer Hungaria Kft. in the following ways.
For a side effect report,
• contact us at one of the contacts: phone: +36 (1) 884 5336, e-mail:
• or fill in and send us this form.
You can report your quality complaint about our human health products at the following email address:
Data Privacy Officer contact:
Postal address: Bayer Hungaria Kft. Legal and Compliance Department
1117 Budapest, Dombovari ut 26.
Press contact :
E-mail: (in English)
Contact details of our sites:
RC Manufacturing site: 2942 Nagyigmánd, Hrsz 03/22 / phone: +36 34 815 900
Corn Breeding station: 6763 Szatymaz, IV. District 148. / phone: +36 62 283 393
Veg & Manufacturing site: 2765 Farmos, Szelei út / phone: +36 53 590 000
RC & Supply chain: 5000 Szolnok, Prizma street 2. / phone: +36 56 520 070
Pharmaceutical wholesale warehouse: 2040 Budaörs, Vasút u. 13. Pharma Park
Bayer has sold its Animal Health business to Elanco and all responsibilities with respect to the Animal Health products are now taken care of by Elanco. In case you require information on an Animal Health product or if you want to report an adverse event, quality complaint related to an Animal Health product, please contact your local Elanco representation (phone +36 1 486 7921 or e-mail