
Bayer products have been on the Czechoslovak market since 1884. In 1990, an independent representative office was established under the name BAYER s. r. o., later also Bayer spol. s. r. o. in Slovakia, which started operating in 1999.

At Crop Science, we focus on the development of new varieties and protecting crops from weeds, pests and disease. Our portfolio consists of products focused on innovative chemical and biological pest management solutions, extensive customer services for modern and sustainable agriculture and high-value seeds. We are inspired by the idea of producing more food & feed as well as other products of plant origin for the growing world population. We approach agricultural production in a sustainable way – both farmers’ livelihood and optimised use of scarce resources such as arable land and water are important to us We do care about the biodiversity while maintaining safety food production, public and animal health protection aligned within long term sustainable and environmental goals.
A part of Crop Science is Environmental Science, which specializes in the formulation and commercialization of insecticides and herbicides for non-agricultural uses.
Education is fundamental
We are actively involved in the Slovak Crop Protection association (SCPA) as well as in Seed associations Slovenská šľachtiteľská a semenárská asociácia. As part of the collaboration we conduct educational projects aimed at supporting users of plant protection products and seeds. We conduct our educational activities in areas such as the sustainable use of plant protection products to ensure safety for all users, consumers and the environment through our program Phytobac. Another issue we are active in is continuous fight against the counterfeit.

Our key areas of treatment
Pharmaceuticals focuses on the following areas: cardiology, ophthalmology, oncology, hematology, neurology, gynecology, infectious diseases and imaging diagnostics.
We ensure that Slovak doctors have access to the latest medical knowledge
Every year we participate in main national and regional medical events for physicians. We are a partner of the largest Slovak scientific societies including: Cardiology, Neurology, Ophthalmology and Gynecology.
Scientific proof is paramount to the credibility of medicine. Our Slovak organization is particularly supporting this global need with an own and steadily growing Clinical Operations Team.
Health policy
We are a member of the Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry AIFP. Together with other companies cooperating on the Slovak market we initiate comprehensive solutions in the field of health care.
Clinical trials
The research and development team in Slovakia conducts clinical trials in phases II to III. Clinical trials are one of the most important parts of new drug research and development. Depending on their phase, they are intended, in particular, to determine the efficacy of the drug, determine its dose, monitor its effects on the human body and monitor the safety of the medicine when taken, before and after marketing.
For Slovak doctors, clinical trials are an opportunity to learn about new treatment options and allow them to participate in the development of new medicines in collaboration with experts from other countries. Clinical trials are conducted under the guidance of selected physicians on the so-called clinical trials centers in several therapeutic areas, in particular in the field of hematooncology, oncology, cardiology and gynecology.
Patients are given the opportunity to try innovative treatment for their disease and receive more intensive care.
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Risk Management Plan
The overall objective of risk management is to ensure that the benefits of a particular medicinal product outweigh its risks to the greatest possible extent for both the individual patient and the target population. This can be achieved either by increasing the benefits or by reducing the risks of a particular drug.
Risk Management System
Is a set of pharmacovigilance activities and interventions designed to identify, characterize, prevent or minimize risks relating to a medicinal product, including the assessment of the effectiveness of those activities and interventions.
Risk Management Plan (RMP)
Is a detailed description of the risk management system. For this purpose, the RMP shall include a description of the safety profile of the medicinal product(s) concerned, a proposal for further action to establish the safety profile of the medicinal product concerned, documented measures to prevent or minimize the risks associated with the medicinal product, including an assessment of the effectiveness of these interventions set as the condition of the marketing authorization.
Educational materials
Reporting of an adverse drug reaction / Hlásenie nežiadúceho účinku lieku:
Bayer spol. s. r. o.
Oddelenie farmakovigilancie
Twin City, blok A, Karadžičova 2, 811 09 Bratislava
Tel: +421 2 592 13 321
If any of the above-mentioned contacts are used for reporting adverse reactions, I take note of the related Privacy Statement for Pharmacovigilance./ V prípade využitia niektorého z vyššie uvedených kontaktov pre hlásenia nežiaducich účinkov beriem na vedomie súvisiace Vyhlásenie o ochrane osobných údajov pre farmakovigilanciu.
Reporting of a falsification or suspected drug defect:
Tel: +421 2 592 13 321
If you use any of the above contacts to report a suspected quality defect, a complaint about use or a suspected counterfeit, you take note of the Declaration on the processing of personal data for quality assurance. / V prípade použitia ktoréhokoľvek z vyššie uvedených kontaktov na nahlásenie podozrenia závady v kvalite, sťažností súvisiacich s užívaním alebo podozrenia na falzifikát, beriem na vedomie Vyhlásenie o spracovaní osobných údajov na zabezpečenie kvality.

Life is becoming increasingly more challenging and changes constantly. The rising life expectancy increases the prevalence of associated health conditions. And we all do have the right to a good quality of life. These trends will continue to grow – therefore, it is vital we think about them today. At Bayer Consumer Health, this is our objective on a daily basis.
Health – a shared priority
The broad portfolio of Consumer Health products aims to ensure good health and well-being to the public, which affects both the quality of personal life, and this can also contribute to significant reduction of the health care costs.
OTC innovations
A growing number of people are self-medicating to prevent or cure common health problems. For example, drugs against functional gastrointestinal disorders, mycoses, allergies, eczema or headaches can be obtained without a prescription.
Supplements for a more complex diet
Food supplements are also becoming increasingly popular. In the Consumer Health division we offer a balanced portfolio of products that will help you stay healthy.
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Bayer over the counter products
Afrin - alleviates symptoms of a clogged nose caused by common cold, hay fever, inflammation of the sinus cavities.
Aspirin 500 mg film-coated tablets are known primarily as an effective remedy for pain and fever.
Find further information by clicking here.
Aspirin-C effervescent Due to their composition, the tablets are an excellent remedy for colds and influenza.
Find further information by clicking here.
Bepanthen Baby is an ointment designed for daily care of the skin of the child's buttocks, which helps protect the skin from the causes of sores. Also suitable for the care of nipples after breastfeeding.
Find further information by clicking here.
Bepanthen SensiDaily is a moisturizing cream with a special composition with prebiotics for daily care of dry and sensitive skin.
Bepanthen Baby and Bepanthen SensiDaily are cosmetics.
Find further information by clicking here.
Bepanthen Sensiderm cream is effective against eczema. Relieves itching in up to 30 minutes.
Find further information by clicking here.
BepanGel is a modern hyndrogel for the treatment of minor injuries. Protects wounds from further infections and dryness and reduces the risk of scarring. Accelerates healing, cools and does not burn.
Find further information by clicking here.
Canespor - a range of products for the treatment of athletic foot, mycosis of the groin, dermatophytosis of the body, yeast infected yeasts and fungal nail infection.
Find further information by clicking here.
Canesten GYN - range products for your intimate health, to treat yeast infections directly in the vagina.
Find further information by clicking here.
Canesten IntimGel is designed for special intimate hygiene in vaginal conditions. Canesbalance suppresses unpleasant odor, unusual discharge, discomfort and restores the natural pH of the vagina.
Find further information by clicking here.
Canestest is a test for self-diagnosis of vaginal infections, which allows you to determine if you are likely to have a yeast or bacterial infection and also to help you choose the appropriate treatment.
Find further information by clicking here.
Canesten (cream) is an antifungal agent that prevents the reproduction of skin mycosis agents.
Find further information by clicking here.
Claritine - relieves common symptoms of outdoor and indoor allergies (itchy nose, runny nose, tearing and burning of eyes, sneezing, hives).
Claritine is an over-the-counter medicine for the active substance loratadine for internal use.
Find further information by clicking here.
Iberogast - a herbal remedy that relieves several digestive problems - abdominal pain, abdominal cramps, feelings of fullness, bloating or nausea.
Find further information by clicking here.
Rennie ICE® sugar-free tablets are chewable tablets that neutralize excess stomach acid and bring fast relief from heartburn.
Find further information by clicking here.
Talcid fastly and long-term neutralizes stomach acid. Strengthens the factors protecting the gastric mucosa.
Find further information by clicking here.
Read the package leaflet before use and consult your doctor / Pred použitím si pozorne prečítajte písomnú informáciu pre používateľov a poraďte sa so svojím lekárom alebo lekárnikom.
Bayer has sold its Animal Health business to Elanco and is in the process of transferring responsibilities with respect to the Animal Health products. In case that you require information on an Animal Health product please contact your local Elanco representation. Adverse events related to Animal Health Products can either be reported via Bayer or directly to Elanco.
Contact with administration / Kontakt na recepciu:
+421 2 592 13 321
If you use any of the listed contacts (e-mail, telephone, answer form) you take note of the related information on personal data processing. / Ak použijete ktorýkoľvek z uvedených kontaktov (e-mail, telefón, odpovedný formulár), beriete na vedomie informácie o spracúvaní osobných údajov.
If you wish to report a side effect or quality complaint of a Bayer product, please contact your Healthcare Professional (e.g. treating physician or pharmacist), your local Health Authority, or contact us directly at
Farmakovigilancia a kvalita
V prípade, že máte podozrenie na nežiaduci účinok v súvislosti s užívaním lieku spoločnosti Bayer alebo podozrenie na jeho falzifikát či závadu, kontaktujte, prosíme, Vášho ošetrujúceho lekára, lekárnika, Štátny ústav pre kontrolu liečiv alebo priamo spoločnosť Bayer na
Tel: +421 2 592 13 321
Tel: +421 2 592 13 321