Public Health

Dengue Fever
Since 2017, PT Bayer Indonesia supports Indonesian government in the campaign to reduce the incident number of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). more
Mother and Children Healthcare/ Preventing Stunting Program
Since 2014, working together with University of Indonesia — Faculty of Public Health and Government of Depok, PT Bayer Indonesia has been conducting a public health coaching program for Mother and Children Healthcare Center (Posyandu) in the area surrounding Bayer’s healthcare production site in Cisalak, Depok, West Java. more
Self-Care Program
In 2017, Bayer Global announced its partnership with the White Ribbons Alliance (WRA) for a 2-year partnership for The Self-Care Program for All Women and Children. The program aims to educate 1,200 women in 91 communities in developing countries which include Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, and Bolivia. more
Pharmaceuticals Therapeutic
Since 2018, PT Bayer Indonesia has been participating in the National Health Scheme with Novel Oral Anticoagulant (NOAC) Rivaroxaban® and Anti-hypertensive Nifedipine GITS®. more
Helping Indonesian Women in Related Information
Bayer together with National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN), the Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (POGl), the Indonesian Midwives Association (lBl) launched as the medium for information on reproductive health and contraception for people in Indonesia. more