Reporting an Adverse Side-Effect
If you would like to report an adverse event including side effect on Bayer - Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Health or Radiology products, please do so by clicking the following link:
or you may scan this barcode:
You may also wish to contact your health care professional or local health authority.
Bayer takes the protection of personal data very seriously. We adhere to applicable national and European data protection regulations and will collect and process any personal data that you provide in accordance with our pharmacovigilance data privacy policy.
Reporting a product quality complaint
If you wish to report a quality complaint of Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Health or Radiology products, please send an e-mail to
General requirements about Bayer dan website:
PT Bayer Indonesia
Head Office
PT Bayer Indonesia
Menara Astra, 33rd Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 5-6
Jakarta 10220, Indonesia
Phone +62 21 3049 1111
Supply Center Health Care
Jl. Raya Bogor Km 32
Cimanggis, Depok 16416
West Java, Indonesia
Phone +62 21 2960 5500 (Hunting)
Supply Center Crop Science - Surabaya
Jl. Rungkut Industri I/12
Surabaya 60292
East Java, Indonesia
Phone +62 31 843 8627/28, 843 7982
Supply Center Crop Science - Tangerang
PT Monagro Kimia
Jl. Industri Manis 4 No.11, RT.002/RW.007, Manis Jaya, Jatiuwung, Tangerang City, Banten 15136, Indonesia
Tel.: +62 21 5918506
08001188899 (Call center - Toll Free)