Bayer’s Alka-Rocket Challenge

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Welcome to the 3rd Annual Alka-Rocket Challenge, where college students will show off their chemistry, physics, and engineering skills in a competition to design and launch an Alka-Rocket for a chance to be the new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ holder for the Highest launch of an Alka-Rocket.* This year, the challenge is open to teams of students that are attending a four year accredited university in the U.S.
An internationally recognized panel of judges will once again review the submissions and choose four finalists based on the design, execution and creativity of each rocket.
On November 18, the five finalists will be announced and will travel to the Kennedy Space Center on December 12 to compete for $30,000 and a chance to hold the new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title.
Teams have until November 1 to submit their proposal on this site. Competition guidelines/rules and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are also available on the site.
FAQ +/-
Please download the Official Challenge Rules for full details.
- *The official title recognized and recorded by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS is Highest launch of an effervescent tablet.
The Challenge is open to teams of students that are currently enrolled in a four year accredited university in the U.S. on December 12, 2019. Team members who graduate or who are not enrolled at their school on December 12, 2019 may still participate in their team's submission process, but will not be eligible for any potential prizes or to participate in the launch event.
The Challenge is a competition to design and launch an Alka-Rocket for a chance to set the new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title. In addition to possibly setting the new title, the winning team will receive up to $30,000.
Submission deadline: November 1, 2019
Public voting dates: November 4-15
Finalists announced: November 18, 2019
Launch event: December 12, 2019
Send applications to
The Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Teams will have regulated set up time as outlined in the Challenge rules. Tablets can be crushed.
The video requirement is a crucial part of your entry into the Alka-Rocket Challenge. Judges want to know who you are, what you’re doing and why, and how you plan to claim the world record. Be creative and have fun! Also remember all videos from qualified submissions will be posted online for the Fan Favorite Vote. Here are some potential topics to include in your video.
- Your Team
We want to know who you are. We suggest something short and enthusiastic that shows off your university. “We are NAME, NAME, NAME and we’re from X University!”
- Your Mission
Why are you doing this? Explain why you are undertaking the Alka-Rocket Challenge and what you hope to achieve from it.
- Your Workspace
Where is this development happening and which tools are you using? We want to see your university, your department, and your lab/workspace.
- Your Design
Please quickly walk us through your design, explaining the various parts, namely what function they serve and how you designed them.
- Your Worst Day
Choose one epic, hilarious fail and describe it in 20 seconds or less as a group or as an individual. “The worst day was when…” If you only had “best days”, that’s fine too!
- Your Test Flight
Yes, every team must submit a video of their rocket in action
Yes, but no external connections to anything electrical or electronic will be allowed.
Questions can be emailed to
Springs cannot be used to help propel the rocket. If there are other uses for the springs then that is okay.
You can create a vacuum, but it can’t be used in the launch tube.
Yes, this is okay.
Yes, but it can’t be made of metal. It must be plastic.
Send applications to
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