- Transparency
- At a Glance
- Reporting and Transparency
- ESG Ratings and Rankings
- Environment
- Social
- Sustainability in the Supervisory board
- Bayer Sustainability Council
- Bioethics Council
- UN Global Compact
- Product Stewardship
- Supplier Management
- Group Regulations
Group Positions
- Bioethical Principles
- Protection of Biodiversity
- Position on Global Product Strategy
- Position on Responsible Care
- Position on Deforestation and Forest Degradation
- Position on Insect Decline
- Raising the Bar on Crop Protection Safety Standards
- UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Position on Sustainable Beef Production
Responsible Marketing & Sales
Bayer’s corporate culture is an important factor in the company’s success. Central to this culture are our values: Leadership, Integrity, Flexibility and Efficiency, summarized by the term LIFE. In the marketing of our products and services, Integrity means:
“To Comply with Laws, Regulations and Good Business Practices”

We are committed to ethical sales & marketing practices that meet the standards set by external regulations & codes of practices, in particular
- all laws and regulations dealing with marketing practices
- all applicable global, regional and local industry codes relevant for our business
- privacy of customer or consumer information and data protection
- recommendation and promotion only of lawful uses, e.g. no off-label promotion for medicinal products
In addition, we are committed to observe company-specific regulations, most of all “The Bayer Corporate Compliance Policy”. It draws attention to a number of principles that are of particular significance in practice and gives guidance to all Bayer employees world-wide.
“To Be Honest and Reliable”
We are committed to accurate and scientifically substantiated communication, in particular
- clarity: no misleading statements
- accuracy: all advertising to undergo internal review for accuracy & compliance
- transparency: evaluation of risks and proper information about any risk
associated to our products in accordance with industry practices and relevant
requirements. - consistency of information irrespective of form and forum (e.g. press information, social media, customer letter).
- good ethical behavior and transparent business practices
“To Listen Attentively and Communicate Appropriately”
We are committed to openness and transparency, in particular
- transparent product information
- implementation of efficient, reliable internal management systems
- responsible interaction with all Stakeholders groups
- transparent lobbying activities
- collect feedback and consider outside views
“To Care about People, Safety and the Environment”
We are committed to implementation and monitoring of procedures, systems and processes, in particular
- assess risks: regularly review marketing business operations to assure highest quality of our products as well as safeguarding people and the environment
- prevent: training in order to help employees understand laws and regulations as well as internal rules
- act: corrective actions where required and transparent reporting on reassessments
- change: adapt (including restrict) marketing of products to the extent required by risk assessments