Bayer Sponsors Parasport

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Bayer has had a very close association with parasport for a long time. Since 2000, the life science company has been supporting the National Paralympic Committee Germany.
Today, the parasport sponsorship is based on several pillars:
- Sponsoring the National Paralympic Committee Germany
- Supporting competitive and grassroots sport in the parasport departments of the TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen (athletics), RTHC Bayer Leverkusen (rowing) and SV Bayer Wuppertal (swimming) clubs
Bayer is making a significant contribution to society in terms of diversity, equality and inclusion, and thereby promoting acceptance of parasport in Germany. Thanks to the example set by parasport role models, Bayer is giving many young disabled people the courage to shape and enjoy their own lives with confidence despite their disability.
Integrative Training Groups
The parasport department of TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen was established back in 1950 and, with around 300 members, is now not only one of the largest, but also one of the most successful parasports clubs in Germany. The club offers its members the ideal conditions for competitive sport and parasport. Progressive thinking, such as offering integrative training groups in which athletes with and without disabilities train together, has traditionally shaped the club’s philosophy.
Parasports athletes can find training partners from other sporting departments and highly qualified coaches who support the athletes in a range of team and individual sports. And quite successfully: To date, Bayer athletes have won 90 medals at the Paralympics and had major success at both World and European Championships. TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen stands as the foremost Paralympic training hub for track and field athletes, sitting volleyball players, and swimmers, serving as Germany's primary destination for para-athletes. And parasport and its associated integrative force are gaining traction in other Bayer clubs, as well. For example, SV Bayer Wuppertal has committed to para-swimming and RTHC Bayer Leverkusen to para-rowing, thus expanding the offer of parasports.
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Inclusion through sport for a better life
Under the motto “Inclusion through sport”, the Herbert Grünewald Foundation provides funding for sports projects and activities for people with disabilities or chronic diseases in the catchment area of the Bayer sites in Germany and throughout the whole of North Rhine-Westphalia. The focus here is on initiatives that sustainably improve the quality of life of the target group. Specific projects are supported with up to 5,000 euros – and even more in justified exceptional cases. Funding of up to 70,000 euros is available each year.