Developing Safe and Sustainable Innovations

In order to be effective, our products must first be safe. This is the cornerstone of developing solutions that can benefit farmers, consumers and the planet. It’s also why safety is our highest priority.

Discover what that means for Genetically Modified (GM) crops and their role in building a most sustainable future.

/// Yes.
GM crops have been tested for safety more than any other crop in the history of agriculture. Using strict standards set by international scientific bodies, regulatory authorities around the world have consistently concluded that our GM crop innovations are as safe for humans, animals and the environment as non-GM crops. See what some of them are saying:
Your health matters, which is why it’s important to have honest and open conversations about GM crops. Explore some of the many important questions and answers surrounding GM foods from the World Health Organization (WHO).
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/// No.
There is no evidence that GM food causes cancer. In fact, the World Health Organization finds that in an international study, “no effects on human health have been shown as a result of the consumption of [GM] foods by the general population in the countries where they have been approved.”
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/// Yes.
Many long-term health studies have been conducted on GMOs. In addition to having a long and safe track record, GM crops are repeatedly tested for consumer and environmental safety. Furthermore, these many tests are reviewed in the U.S. by the Department of Agriculture (USDA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as well as similar organizations internationally. In fact, following the publication of 130 studies by 500 independent research groups over 25 years, the European Commission concludes that GM crops pose no additional risk compared to conventional plant breeding processes.
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/// No.
The GM crops currently on the market do not introduce any new allergies. In fact, one of the preliminary goals of safety testing is to verify that a new GM crop is as safe as its conventional counterpart. For example, that means someone without an allergy to conventionally bred soy likewise won’t be allergic to the GM counterpart.
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//// No.
Honey bee health is a big concern for all of us. That’s why we ensure that GM crops do not harm them, nor their habitat. To do so, we develop our GM solutions to target specific pests without harming other insects. As such, the vast majority of the scientific community concludes that our solutions are safe to bees and other beneficial insects. In fact, the formulated Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) products many organic farmers use to protect their crops contain the same active ingredient produced by some GM crops.
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/// No.
In her ongoing studies, Extension Specialist in Animal Genomics and Biotechnology at the University of California, Alison Van Eenennaam, finds that genetically engineered DNA has never been detected in milk, meat or eggs derived from animals who have eaten GM feed. As she notes in her research, that’s because “genetically engineered crops are digested by animals in the same way as conventional crops,” indicating no difference in health or performance between the two.
Roughly 70% of harvested GM crops are fed to food-producing animals, making them the world’s largest consumer of GM foods worldwide.

- GMOA | Infographic | Are GMOs safe?
- Best Food Facts | Video | What Do You Want to Know About GMO Food?
- GMOA | Handout | Get to Know Health and Safety of GMOs
- GMOA | Infographic | How are GMOs tested for Allergies?
- Best Food Facts | Video | What do you want to know about GMO Food? Environmental Impacts
- GMOA | Handout | TOP 10 Consumer Questions about GMOs
- The Royal Society | Is it safe to eat GM crops?
- GM plants Questions and Answers
- FDA | Agricultural Biotechnology: Feed Your Mind
- GMO Answers
- International Food Information Council Foundation
- European Commission: A decade of EU funded GMO research 2001-2010
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2016) Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects and Report in Brief
- Alison L Van Eenennaam, A.E. Young (2014) Prevalence and impacts of genetically engineered feedstuffs on livestock populations
- Gregory S. Ladics (2018) Assessment of the potential allergenicity of genetically-engineered food crops, Journal of Immunotoxicology
- Bryan Delaney (2015) Safety assessment of foods from genetically modified crops in countries with developing economies
- Snell C, Bernheim A, Berge JB, Kuntz M, Pascal G, et al. (2012) Assessment of the health impact of GM plant diets in long-term and multigenerational animal feeding trials: A literature review