Scientific Collaboration

Open Innovation and Engagement

Two scientists in a lab

In addition to our research and development activities, we build on a broad open innovation network to contribute and tap into external innovation ecosystems and to link scientific progress, new ideas, and emerging technologies with our existing knowledge and experience. 

To connect with the brightest minds across and beyond Bayer to create leading solutions in health and nutrition, we enter strategic alliances with various partners, such as universities, authorities, start-ups, suppliers, and other industrial companies. 


We are leveraging incubation places, funding and mentoring programs, and partnerships with startups at global innovation hotspots as well as joint venturing activities.

In addition, we pursue joint venturing activities such as Leaps at Bayer and the business development activities of Crop Science, Pharmaceuticals and Consumer Health divisions.

Scientific collaboration

Bayer’s scientific collaborations include publicly funded projects such as the Innovative Medicines Initiative, strategic research collaborations e.g., with the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard on cancer therapies, as well as project-specific research projects with scientific organizations and universities. We publish our scientific collaborations with universities, public research institutions, and individuals at our Bayer Science Collaboration Explorer.


Innovative Medicines Initiative

Research collaboration Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Bayer Science Collaboration Explorer



Based on their R&D strategies, the divisions pursue their own partnership approaches considering the characteristics of health and agriculture research. 

Dialogue with students, academia, and society

As part of the scientific community, Bayer and our researchers are regularly contributing and participating at scientific conferences and symposia but also in the broader societal debates on science by multi-stakeholder-platform initiatives and industry associations.

Highschool students at Baylab
Students at a BayLab

Bayer is convinced that scientific knowledge is essential to face future challenges. For this reason, we focus not only on our own research activities but also on the general promotion and strengthening of education and research with our Baylabs program,  fellowships, and further scientist empowerment programs of the Bayer Foundation.


Further information:


Bayer Foundation