Virtual Capital Markets Day 2021

An unserem virtuellen Kapitalmarkttag teilten wir ein umfangreiches Strategie-Update für den Bayer-Konzern und die Divisionen. In unserer Live-Audio-Übertragung am 10. und 11. März, konnten Sie folgende Themen verfolgen:
- Prioritäten des Konzerns und seiner Divisionen in den kommenden Jahren, inklusive mittelfristige Ziele und Sensitivitäten
- Einblicke in unser Innovations-Potenzial und unsere Pipeline, die wir durch Partnerschaften und Akquisitionen gestärkt haben, und
- Aktuelle Informationen zu unserer kontinuierlichen Portfolio- und Effizienz-Überprüfung.
Die Veranstaltung fand in englischer Sprache statt.
Investor News 10. März 2021
Capital Markets Day 2021: Bayer erwartet dynamisches Wachstum bei höherer Rentabilität in den kommenden Jahren und beschleunigt Transformation
Video-Aufzeichnungen der Präsentationen und Diskussionen
CEO Presentation
Pharmaceuticals Update
Crop Science Update
Consumer Health Update
CFO Presentation
Wrap Up
Q&A Session (Group, Divisions)
Pharmaceuticals R&D Strategy / Pipeline
Cell & Gene Therapy
Crop Science R&D Strategy / Pipeline
LEAPS Highlights
Q&A Session (Pharmaceuticals, Crop Science)
Closing Remarks
CEO of Bayer AG | Accelerating the TransformationBayer sets forth to transform the industries it operates in with breakthrough innovations in Health and Nutrition while contributing to a more sustainable society. Werner Baumann, CEO of Bayer AG, will provide details on how the company plans to accelerate the transformation. He will present an updated mid-term plan setting stage for the future of the company. |
CFO of Bayer AG | Value Creation by Accelerating our TransformationBy accelerating the transformation, the company strives to enable further growth, drive profitability and improve cash flows thereby creating value. Wolfgang Nickl, CFO of Bayer AG, will walk through the financial mid-term plan which includes details about the transformation program and foreseen divestments. He will also elaborate on Bayer’s capital allocation strategy. |
President of the | Transforming Pharma to Deliver Sustainable Long-term GrowthBayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division has experienced a phase of significant sales growth and margin expansion during the recent past. With the upcoming loss of exclusivity of Xarelto and Eylea and emerging breakthrough technologies such as Cell and Gene Therapy, a broad transformation of our Pharma business is underway to secure long-term growth. Stefan Oelrich, President of the Pharmaceuticals Division, together with Christian Rommel, Head of Pharma R&D, and Marianne De Backer, Head of Pharma Strategy and BD&L, will provide a strategic overview of the business and insights into the ongoing transformation process. This will include new mid-term financial targets, an outlook on the expected impact of the loss of exclusivity of Xarelto and Eylea and a path forward to return to sustainable growth thereafter. |
Head of Strategy, | |
Head of R&D, | Paving the Way for our Future in Science-based InnovationDelivering highly innovative medicines to the benefit of patients’ need is at the center of what we do in Research and Development at Pharmaceuticals. With a strong track record in innovation over the past 10 years, our R&D activities focus on promising trends with a great potential to improving patient well-being in therapeutic areas with a high unmet medical need. Christian Rommel, Bayer’s new head of R&D at Pharmaceuticals, will share his first impressions after having joined Bayer recently and will provide a detailed update on key innovation highlights across our pipeline. |
Head of Oncology, | Bayer's Growth Strategy in Key Areas of OncologyBayer's Oncology business is one of the most exciting and promising growth pillars for the Pharmaceuticals Division. With three product launches in the last three years, the business has significantly advanced its presence in select areas of Oncology. Robert LaCaze, Head of Oncology at Pharmaceuticals, will provide details on Bayer’s strategy and ambition in this field with a focus on Nubeqa and Vitrakvi. |
Liam Condon President of the | Shaping the Future of AgricultureAs the established leader in the Ag input space, Bayer Crop Science is well-positioned to deliver on its vision to provide health for all and hunger for none as it seeks to shape agriculture and create a sustainable, healthy food supply. Liam Condon, President of the Crop Science Division, will provide a strategic overview of the business. This will include an update on mid-term financial targets and related operational plans, key innovation highlights, progress in its pioneering work to lead the digital transformation in agriculture and its ongoing efforts to set new standards in sustainability. |
Head of R&D, | The Beginning of What’s NextBayer’s Crop Science business continues to lead the ag sector with an unmatched R&D investment that fuels our industry leading profitability. Discovering and developing new seed and trait technologies, ag chem and digital tools are helping the company shape the future of agriculture. Robert Reiter, Head of R&D at Crop Science, will provide a detailed update on how the company’s continued pursuit of new tools to help farmers translated into meaningful progress in 2020, resulting in several exciting R&D advancements. |
President of the | Winning in Consumer HealthBayer’s Consumer Health business turned from an industry underperformer to an outperformer since 2018 and is the global number 3 player by revenue in the OTC market. Together with a strong portfolio, a clear strategy to drive superior value creation and an industry-experienced leadership team they are growing ahead of their industry peers. Heiko Schipper, President of the Consumer Health Division, will provide an update on mid-term financial ambitions and provide a detailed overview why Consumer Health has everything to win in an increasingly volatile and competitive market environment. |
Head of | Breaking Through ImpossibleLeaps by Bayer Exhibition Leaps by Bayer is the impact investment unit of Bayer, led by Juergen Eckhardt. Leaps invests into paradigm-shifting advances in the life sciences and into technologies with the potential to change the world for the better. Leaps by Bayer has invested to date over 1 billion of minority equity into over 35 portfolio companies. With portfolio companies in health and agriculture Leaps is trying to achieve ten ambitious goals –the 10 Leaps for humanity. The primary goal is to create business models that balance profitability with sustainability and to push the advancement of breakthrough technology. |
Head of | Expanding into Cell and Gene Therapies to Deliver Breakthrough InnovationCell & Gene Therapies are an emerging and exciting field that has the potential to revolutionize innovation in the Pharmaceuticals industry. Bayer wants to be at the forefront of Cell & Gene Therapies and has implemented a comprehensive Cell and Gene therapy strategy last year. Wolfram Carius, Head of the newly established Cell and Gene Therapy Unit at Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals division, will provide an overview of our activities in this field which, besides others, comprise the acquisition of BlueRock Therapeutics and Asklepios BioPharmaceutical (AskBio). |
President and CEO | Emile Nuwaysir, President and CEO of BlueRock Therapeutics, and Sheila Mikhail, Co-Founder and CEO of AskBio, will share insights into their pioneering work to bring breakthrough therapies to patients. |
Co-Founder and |
Q&A Session Tag 1 (Konzern, Divisionen) | Transcript |
Q&A Session Tag 2 (F&E Pharmaceuticals, F&E Crop Science) | Transcript |